It is very hard to provide written advice that will be suitable to all of our children. If you wish to discuss strategies for your individual child, please contact Gabriella Fokti ( at school. Further information is available at the National Autistic Society.


Internet Service Providers (ISP)

Broadband, mobile and WiFi providers offer filters to limit the inappropriate content a child might see. As these typically have to be set manually, you’ll find a comprehensive list of parental control guides that the people over at have made to make this process easier to follow with step by step videos and visual instructions.

Please visit the link below to view these:

Parental Controls - Broadband & Mobile


Other Parental Controls

Parental controls are the names for a group of settings that put you in control of what content your child can see. Combined with privacy settings these can help you protect your children from the things they shouldn’t see or experience online.  You can set controls for Smartphones, Entertainment and Search engines, Gaming Consoles and Social Media sites. has all guides for these and more.  Visit the link below for information

Other Parental Controls


For protection against viruses and malicious software, you should install free anti-virus software. Options include AVGAvast or Avira.


More Information

These websites will give you more information.

Childnet International National Online Safety UK Safer
Internet Centre