
Our sleep workshop is provided by Cerebra. Cerebra specialises in supporting families of children with brain related conditions. A Cerebra sleep practitioner will talk through any sleep related issues you may be having with your child. They will offer both practical advice and also the science behind the reasons for sleep issues. It is a fantastic workshop that has helped lots of our families already. Once you have taken the sleep workshop you will be offered a sleep clinic appointment. This will allow the chance to discuss individual strategies to improve your families sleep with a sleep practitioner one on one.


Our toileting workshop has been written by Hamilton School to aid you in toileting issues. It explains why there may be toileting issues and how we make sure your child is ready to attempt toilet training. It offers the chance to discuss toileting difficulties you may be experiencing and ways in which to help your child become dry.

Communication and Autism

Our Communication and Autism training is written by Hamilton School. It provides an up to date look at Autism and the challenges that are faced by our children. It looks at communication and the strategies we use in school to encourage communication. We will give you demonstrations using the aids to inform you of how to use them correctly. At the end of the workshop you will be offered visual aids to use at home specific to your needs.

Sensory difficulties and Autism

Our Sensory difficulties and Autism workshop is a collaboration between Hamilton School and our Occupational therapist. It looks at the seven senses and how they can be affected by Autism. It offers practical suggestions that you can use at home. We try and keep the numbers of attendees low to the workshop so it can be as personalised as possible. We have a range of equipment to show you and also a sensory recipe book for you to try some of the activities at home. Once you have attended the workshop you will be offered an appointment with the occupational therapist to develop strategies to help your child’s sensory difficulties.

If you would like further information on any of the workshops we provide at Hamilton please contact Sarah Eaton (Pastoral Manager) at school. We are always thinking of ideas for new workshops. If you have any topics you would like us to help with please get in touch. Workshops are arranged frequently and you will receive an invite via a letter in the home school book.

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