
Friends of Hamilton was set up by Staff and Parents of Hamilton School to raise money for the school, offer more opportunities to the students and their families, and to also engage with the wider community. We have raised money for new playground equipment, special items of equipment for families that could not have purchased this themselves, and financial support for play schemes for our students.

We hold popular events such as fayres, fun days, autism awareness sessions, and raffles.

We meet at least 4 times a year, and we are in regular contact with each other too.

We are always looking for more people to join our team, so if you are interested, please email me at seaton@hamilton.bham.sch.uk and I will be happy to talk with you. Or you can use the Contact form on our Contact Us page and select the Friends of Hamilton dropdown.

Thank you for all of your continuing support.  

Sarah Eaton
Charity Trustee.