Hello and welcome to the Pastoral team at Hamilton school. The need for pastoral support has meant that the team has grown to provide this vital outreach service. The team comprises of four experienced practitioners that can offer support and advice on a wide range of themes. If you require support with toileting, sleep, DLA, blue badges we are happy to help. These are only a few of the many things that we can help with. Please do not hesitate to contact the pastoral team for a chat, or to discuss any issues that you may be experiencing.


If you want to talk to a member of the pastoral team, please ring school on 0121 464 1676. Alternatively, you can email the pastoral team at pandi@hamilton.bham.sch.uk.


Pastoral Team


Sarah Eaton

Sarah Eaton

Strategic Pastoral Manager

Charlie Phillpotts

Charlie Phillpotts

Inclusion Manager

Kim Evans

Kim Evans

Inclusion Manager

Family Fund
Variety - the Children's Charity


Disability Living Allowance / PIP )Personal Independent Payment
Carers Allowance