Welcome from the Governing Body

We work to ensure our school delivers the highest quality education for your children. This includes appointing a Head teacher and can also involve interviewing other school staff. The governors are responsible and accountable for ensuring that the school discharges their statutory duties under the law. We ensure that the leadership and management of the school have appropriate plans and resources in place to deliver a high quality and effective learning experience for all the children at Hamilton School, whatever their ages and ability, so that every child can achieve his or her full potential. The Governing Body also acts as a ‘critical friend’, monitoring performance and attainment, managing the budgets and overseeing the maintenance of the premises, to ensure that the school is always providing an effective education.

As Governors, we take our safeguarding responsibilities very seriously.  We complete the HAYS online safeguarding course and attend relevant training.  We ensure that we all read appropriate documents and our 'Safeguarding Review Cycle' ensures that safeguarding remains a constant feature of our agendas and that we can support and challenge school leaders in their work

All Governors undertake training. This can be on a group or individual basis, including Introduction to Governors, Safeguarding and Safer Recruitment and specific areas determined by their role in school. Please click here to view their Declatations of Interests.

The Role of the Governing Body

Full Governors’ meetings are held at least once a term.  There are also three committees which report back to the Main Governing Body meetings: (Click here for Committee Memberships)

  • Finance and Personnel - this committee monitors and evaluates the utilisation of all physical, financial and human resources.  The committee looks at best value for money and ensures that the school is sufficiently resourced to implement all aspects of the School Improvement Plan. There are named governors for Pupil Premium and Sports Premium budgets. There is also a named governor for Autism on this committee
  • Teaching, Learning and Assessment – this committee monitors and evaluates the standards of teaching and learning and the impact that this makes on children’s achievement and attainment. The committee monitors how the school ensures that set targets are achieved.
  • Premises, Health and Safety and Safeguarding Committee - this committee ensures our school site is fit for purpose and all areas of health and safety are addressed. There is a big focus on safeguarding and a named governor for safeguarding is on this committee

    The Governing Body adopts, reviews and monitors a range of policies that govern the operation of the school including Health and Safety, Behaviour, Complaints, Child Protection, Curriculum and Performance Management. These policies and others can be found on this web site or alternatively hard copies can be obtained through the school office. The governing body of Hamilton School has adopted the Birmingham Model Code of Conduct which can be seen here.

The Governing Body has now gone through the reconstitution process.  The new Governing Body was formed at a meeting on January 29th 2015.  It is a really strong team with a range of skills and experience.  If you wish to discuss any matters relating to governance, please contact the Clerk to the Governing Body, Maxine Reid (mreid@Hamilton.bham.sch.uk)

Each of the classes in school now has a governor link.  We have looked at skills and areas of expertise and development to match people up.  The aim is to give Governors even more of an insight into daily school life so that they can support and challenge the school effectively.  Governors will spend time getting to know the staff and students in their classes and will develop a deep understanding to the approaches to teaching, learning and assessment.

Governing Body
Name Category Term Start Term End
Fatima Begum Parent Governor 09/02/2023 08/02/2027
Priyanka Batra Parent Governor 22/01/2024 21/01/2028
Katie Williams Headteacher 01/01/2022 -
Sue Brandwood Vice Chair, LA Governor 15/10/2021 14/10/2025
Michael Watson Chair, Foundation Governor 01/09/2023 31/08/2027
Vacancy Foundation Governor    
Vacancy Co-opted Governor    
Vacancy Co-opted Governor    
Wayne Matengo  Co-opted Governor 21/03/2024 20/03/2028
Natasha Isher Co-opted Governor  21/11/2023 20/11/2027
Simbi Folarin Co-opted Governor 13/10/2022 12/10/2026

Wilfriede Ahoadi Damien

Staff Governor 16/04/2024




Name Category Term Start Term End
Fiona Green Foundation Governor 29/01/2019 28/01/2023
Lila Kossyvaki Foundation Governor 2210/2018 21/11/2022
Elizabeth Kyte Parent Governor 16/12/2019 15/12/2023
Letitia Carter Staff Governor 04/02/2019 03/09/2023
David Ayling Foundation Governor 21/11/2022 11/07/2023
Christopher Robertson Co-opted Governor 21/03/2021 13/07/2023
Natasha Isher Staff Governor 03/02/2023 03/09/2023
Kate Charnick Parent Governor 16/12/2019 15/12/2023
Jodie Fotheringham Co-opted Governor 13/10/2022 08/05/2024
Ellen Osborne Co-opted Governor 14/07/2022 16/10/2024
Letitia Carter Foundation Governor 21/11/2023 25/10/2024


Sept 2021  onwards

Name Attendance
Meetings Apologies Attendance
Comittees %
Meetings Apologies
Katie Williams
(Start Jan 22)
      100 1 / 1 0
Sue Brandwood 100 1 / 1 0 100 4 / 4 0
Ellen Osborne 100 1 / 1 0 100 1 / 1 0
Fiona Green 100 1 / 1 0 20 1 / 5 3
David Ayling 100 1 / 1 0 0 0 / 1 1
Simbi Folarin 100 1 / 1 0 100 1 / 1 0
Lila Kossyvaki 100 1 / 1 0 100 1 /1 0
Michael Watson 0 0 / 1 1 75 3 / 4 1

Jon Harris
(Left Dec 21)

100 1 / 1 0 100 4 / 4 0
Jodie Fotheringham 0 0 / 1 1 100 1 / 1 0
Letitia Carter 100 1 / 1 0 100 1 / 1 0
Kate Charnick 100 1 / 1 0 75 3 / 4 1
Elizabeth Kyte 100 1 / 1 0 100 1 / 1 0
Christopher Robertson 100 1 / 1 0