British Values at Hamilton School

Our Approach

Our school is made up of a range of different groups from different faith backgrounds, and we are truly a multi-cultural school. Our focus is on preparing our pupils for life in British society. We have a clear set of values that can be seen in our ‘Vision and Values’ document.

Our curriculum is underpinned by the concepts of ‘Independence’ and ‘Engagement,’ and by actively developing these with our pupils through a series of practical steps, we aim to prepare them for life in British society. We have a coherent approach to SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural) aspects of school life. Religious Education sessions provide another vehicle to explicitly develop this aspect of our work.

We challenge pupils, staff, or parents who express opinions that could undermine this approach.

There are a range of other things that we do through our day-to-day work that contribute to developing an understanding of ‘Britishness’ and life in British society:


- Pupils explore their own identity by describing themselves in terms of the groups they belong to, where they are from, what they like doing, what they are good at, what their beliefs are, and what clubs they attend.


- Promote respect for public institutions such as the police.

- Provide pupils with numerous opportunities to make choices throughout the day.

- Develop turn-taking and waiting skills, as many of our pupils find this difficult.

- Provide opportunities for pupils to become involved in decision-making processes in school.

- Support pupils with social communication difficulties in expressing their views.

- Teach pupils the idea of ‘fairness’ in practical situations.

Rule of Law

- Ensure that school expectations are clear and fair.

- Help pupils to distinguish between right and wrong.

Individual Liberty

- Support pupils to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem, and self-confidence.

- Encourage pupils to take responsibility for their own behaviour, as well as knowing their rights.

- Model freedom of speech and ensure the protection of vulnerable pupils.

- Act swiftly to prevent bullying.

Respect and Tolerance

- Promote respect for individual differences.

- Help pupils to understand and respect their own and other cultures.

- Organise visits to places of worship.

- Develop links with faith communities.

- Discuss differences between people.

Religious Education at Hamilton

Religious Education in Birmingham is informed by the Birmingham Agreed Syllabus 2007. The Agreed Syllabus is reviewed every five years and was last reviewed in 2022.

We base our school RE structure and approaches on Birmingham’s Agreed Syllabus and adapt it to the needs and learning styles of each pupil. Due to the speaking and listening levels of our pupils and their additional needs related to Autism, our pupils may be behind or significantly behind mainstream peers. As a result, class teachers adapt learning approaches accordingly.

Our RE provision is enriched and underpinned by our school approach to Social, Moral, Spiritual, and Cultural (SMSC) development.


Traditional assemblies do not have relevance or meaning to the majority of our pupils due to significant barriers connected to their sensory processing and communication and interaction needs. Instead, we incorporate smaller ‘assemblies’ through circle and group times in class. These are appropriate to the needs and abilities of each class and celebrate pupils’ achievements in ways that are meaningful to them. Certificates of achievement are shared with families.

School Events and Community Links

Christmas is celebrated in a variety of ways within the school. Due to the current expansion and the increasing complexity of needs of the pupils, a whole-school production is no longer appropriate. We are looking at creative ways for pupils to be involved in some form of production without the sensory overload of a whole-school event in front of a live audience. We are considering creating a creative piece that will involve a filmed contribution from each class, which will then be edited together and showcased to friends and families at the Christmas Fayre. For those pupils who would benefit from performing in front of others, their contribution will take the form of a musical performance supported by Music Services for Education. This ensures a strong SMSC link. Each class arranges celebrations with the pupils in the form of a Christmas party, and some classes will join together for this.

Due to the expansion of the school to include secondary-aged pupils, the majority will remain at Hamilton. As a result, the assembly at the end of the summer term is now a Graduation Ceremony (SMSC Link), which is a celebration of achievements through their primary education.

Birthdays and other significant life events provide fantastic opportunities for our pupils to share and celebrate with their peers and the school community. For birthdays, families often support the classes with ideas for their child, and every effort is made to ensure every pupil in the school has their birthday acknowledged and made special. Other life events of pupils and staff are also celebrated as appropriate within the school community.

Where families do not wish their child to be involved in certain cultural and/or religious celebrations such as Christmas or birthdays, alternative learning is provided.

As previously stated, we are a multicultural school and acknowledge and celebrate other cultural events such as Diwali, Eid, and Chinese New Year.