Ready for #SaferInternetDay? Free live event about gaming for parents

Next Tuesday, adults and children from all over the world will be taking the time to reflect on online safety and what we can all do to make our digital world better, as we celebrate Safer Internet Day.


To mark the day, our expert partners are offering a free Safer Internet Day Special Event for parents on Tuesday 8 February, 4.30-5.00 pm, live on YouTube.


What games are appropriate for children? What are the advantages and disadvantages of gaming? How can parents make the right decision for their family? Under the headline “All fun and games? Your guide to gaming”, our expert trainer Sophie Linington will explore some of the most frequent questions parents have about gaming. 


Share the invite with the families you work with, or tune in yourself on Tuesday 8 February at 4.30 pm. There’s no need to register – all you need to do to join is click this link: 


Please write to us at if you have any questions you’d like answered.