20 Mar

Friends of Hamilton

We have now moved our Friends of Hamilton website into our main site.

There is now a Charity Icon on our top Menu to take you to this section.

24 May

Help us win £1000

The Movement for Good Awards is an annual platform for giving, set up by all the businesses that make up the Benefact Group. It's their opportunity to make a tangible difference to the lives of the people and communities they serve, by supporting the charities, not-for-profit organisations, and…

14 Jun

Smile with amazon.co.uk & support our charity

You can now shop on Amazon AND support our charity 'Friends of Hamilton'  at NO COST to you.


About AmazonSmile

What is AmazonSmile?
AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support a charity of your choice every time you shop, at no cost to you. When…